Blair County Artists

New Perspectives Start Here

Blair County’s artistic community helps us see things from new points of view.  The world can sometimes be a harsh and lonely place, and artists create things that often foster a better sense of understanding.

Here is an ever expanding summary and always incomplete listing of the artists who either live in Blair County or were raised here.  This is not even close to complete, and we intend to continue adding information as we are able.

Michael Allison – Artist

Michael is a local artist.

Michael Covino – Artist

Michael is a local artist.

Amy Croft – Artist

Amy is a local artist.

Cristina Flores – Artist

Cristina is a local artist.

Cory Geishauser – Artist

Cory is a local artist.

Michael Kensinger – Artist

Michael is a local artist who dedicates much of his time to caring for nature, and he has a focus on nature-based themes in his art.

Rachel Logel DiAndrea – Artist

Rachel is a local artist.

Chelsea McMasters – Artist

Chelsea is a local artist.  

Abe Onkst – Artist

Abe is a local artist.

John Rita – Artist

John is a local artist who has done architectural art and murals for many local establishments.

Joe Servello – Artist

Joe is a local artist who has illustrated for books, and painted murals.  

Olivia Steele – Artist

Olivia is a local artist.